Factory and Fabrics

We stand for quality in both materials and sustainability. Experience our dedication to ensuring a sustainable future while creating exceptional products. Learn about the top-notch materials and working conditions in our factories. Read about some certificates our factories got from the FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council), products with this certification are made using a mix of materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled materials and/or other FSC controlled woods.


The OSC Blended Standard applies to products that have between 5-100% organic material. It secures the quality and confirms the percentage of organic material being used during the production of a garment made from a blended textile.


The Organic Content Standard (OCS) applies to a product with 95-100% organic material. During the certification process, our suppliers are examined to make sure the cotton they source, use and work with is organic.

  • Environment

    Being powered by responsibly-sourced renewable energy, reusing water and minimising wasted resources.

  • Business Ethics

    Operating a business that adheres to sustainability, fairness and has no connections with illegal activities of any kind.

  • Health and Safety

    Ensuring its employees and contractors are given the resources and infrastructure to do their job safely.

  • Labour Standards

    Operating as a responsible, fair employer, with strong ethical and social rights.